
Chatham Strategic Planning Meeting

Some of you might have received a phone call inviting you to attend a strategic planning meeting at Islands Library on 10/10 from 6:00 to 7:30. 
Here's the info from the website and a link for more details:
Chatham County Commission and Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition are cohosting community conversations to learn more about what’s important to people living in all areas of our community. The information gathered will be compiled and used during a Solutions Summit where we will explore opportunities and prioritize goals.

Summer Meeting

Members should have received an emailed copy of the minutes from the Monday 8/14 meeting. If you'd like more information about becoming a member, email us!

Second Annual All-Island Yard Sale

Saturday, June 3
Come sell your stuff and meet your neighbors at the park on Talahi. 
$10 will get you a space for your table, chairs, awning or umbrella and your merchandise. 

Bounce house for kids ($1 per child - all day) and burgers and dogs served 11am-1pm. Cold drinks and waters .50 cents. Music!

All unsold merchandise must be removed by 4 pm. No early bird shoppers please...

Monday, May 8

 We'll be having a TICC meeting at 6:30 on Monday, May 8, to discuss old business and new, including our building improvement plans and upcoming events.  Due to recent break-ins in our neighborhood and those nearby, the Islands Resource Officer, Hillary Nielsen, will be at the meeting.  If you are not currently a member and you're interested in joining, please come and meet us.  Yearly dues are $60 per household.

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us!  
We served over 450 spaghetti dinners.
Special thanks to Davis Produce and Jalapeno's for their support!

Spaghetti Dinner!

Tuesday, April 11th

Join us for our annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser. 
We are raising funds to build a pavilion for the Talahi Island Park!

Email  for more information on purchasing tickets. 

$8 per ticket/plate 
or four tickets/plates for $30
Eat in or to go. 

Vegetarian options as well!